Is a Corgi Hypoallergenic?

Is a Corgi Hypoallergenic?

This question is a very common one that has a less-simplistic answer than many.

In short, very few dogs are hypoallergenic, and Corgis are not one of the breeds that fit that description.

Allergy sufferers sometimes have fewer problems with allergy triggers from Cogis than other breeds.

If pet allergies are a concern for you or anyone in your household, you might want to make sure you first discuss this with your healthcare provider.

There are things that you can do to minimize the effects of allergy symptoms.

Read on to learn more about is a Corgi hypoallergenic.

What Does Hypoallergenic Mean, Anyway?

The term hypoallergenic is somewhat misleading when it comes to dogs.

There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog; rather, there are only non-shedding or minimally-shedding breeds.

Failure to make this critical distinction can cause a lot of needless heartache in your home.

Hypoallergenic is a term that is better used to describe inanimate products that cause minimal allergic reactions.

Having such unrealistic expectations about dogs might not only lead to allergy flare-ups but might make you have to face some difficult decisions about rehoming your dog.

Because finding another home for your dog is a situation you are likely to wish to avoid, you will do well to know about what may and may not happen with allergy symptoms.

Remember, the main trigger behind allergic reactions to dogs isn’t hair – it is their dander.

All dogs produce dander, regardless of their breed or coat type.

Dander is something that you will need to clean up regularly to avoid any problems with your allergies.

Your dog may also carry pollen and other allergens into your house on their coat.

An effective plan for controlling these allergy stimuli is crucial if you decide to share your home with one of these dogs.

You and your new dog will both be a lot happier when you take steps to minimize the impact of allergy symptoms.

How Much Do Corgis Shed?

Corgis shed a lot by any estimate. In fact, you might need to get accustomed to finding stray hairs all over your home.

You’ll need to consider investing in a pet hair brush to clean up these stray hairs efficiently.

Most brushes suitable for any breed will work well for a Corgi.

You might even consider a grooming mitt, which feels more like soft stroking them brushing to a dog.

When you see lists of breeds that shed heavily, Corgis will always earn a mention.

If your allergy triggers tend to involve dog hair, you might be having periodic trouble with your symptoms.

These symptoms are more likely to happen during the times of the year when Corgis blow their coats.

This breed blows its coat twice a year, usually in the spring and fall.

During this time, you can easily expect to find big clumps of fur all over your house. Extra brushing during this peak shedding season will keep your dog’s coat looking its best.

Some people with allergies are lucky enough that a Corgi’s fur and dander are unlikely to pose a problem.

You need to have a good idea of what your allergy triggers are and aren’t before introducing a new dog, regardless of the breed.

A little bit of planning before your new pet lives in your home will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

Are There Any Corgi Varieties That Are Hypoallergenic?

There are two AKC-recognized varieties of Welsh Corgis, the Cardigan, and Pembroke.

Both of these Corgi types have the same type of thick double coat, so you can expect all purebred Corgis to have a similar coat type.

Although individual dogs might have varying coat densities based on their breeding, thick coats are to be expected with this type of dog.

If your Corgi comes from a breeder, consider one that has both parents on the premises.

When you can see the sire and dam, you will have a better idea of what a puppy’s coat will look like as they mature.

Visiting the breeder at their premises will also help you to confirm that the dogs that they raise live in a setting with humane conditions.

Watch for anyone advertising “rare” varieties of Corgis that have special traits not found in this breed.

These dogs might be of mixed parentage, with their health and pedigree history unknown.

Unethical breeders who breed dogs of questionable background may also use unethical practices and possibly keep the animals they raise in inhumane circumstances.

If you aren’t able to interact with the dogs being advertised, look elsewhere for a pet.

Consider Allergy Testing

Allergy testing can help you determine whether you have a dog allergy or if something else triggers your symptoms.

There is a chance that any allergy symptoms you have had in a dog’s presence involved something else.

Living with allergies when you have a pet is much easier when you know whether your is behind your symptoms.

A food allergy requires different care from an allergy to pet dander.

The options that are available for testing can help you determine whether your allergies are to furry animals; overall, whether you are allergic to specific species, or whether an individual animal is a reason for your allergies.

These tests can also determine whether you are allergic to males or females, specifically.

One of the advantages of testing for dog allergies is that these tests can identify an allergy to prostate protein.

A person who tests positive for allergies to prostate protein can play it safe by getting a female dog, as only males have prostate glands.

Having the results from an allergy test before you acquire your new pet will help to prevent a lot of problems.

More on Corgi Crosses and Coat Types

Because some breeders produce Corgi crosses, sometimes in an attempt to create dogs with a different type of coat from the usual kind for this breed.

One helpful thing to remember is that dogs of mixed parentage can inherit a blend of traits from both parents, or primarily favor either the sire or dam.

The mix of traits inherited will even vary among siblings from the same litter.

Each puppy from the same litter will have unique characteristics that make them stand out and make it easier for you to decide which puppy is perfect for your needs.

Crosses with short-haired breeds are intended to reduce allergic reactions to Corgis, often with varying results.

Beagles, short-haired Chihuahuas, and Pugs are popular choices for cross-breeding.

Poodles, known for coats with minimal allergy issues, are also a popular choice for efforts to cross-breed.

Because of a common herding heritage, Corgis have sometimes been crossed with other breeds used for similar work, including Australian Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs, and Shelties.

Australian Shepherds and Shelties often have longer, thicker coats that people who live with allergies will need to keep in mind.

Australian Cattle Dogs usually have shorter coats that are thick, much like the ones that Corgis have.

A helpful thing to keep in mind is that a dog of mixed parentage can be susceptible to health problems from both breeds.

Cross-bred dogs lack the types of genetic tests that are done for purebred dogs.

You will probably want to keep issues like this in mind during your decision-making.

Is my Corgi Hypoallergenic?

Why Corgis Have the Types of Coats That They Do

These dogs are herding dogs, bred to help Welsh farmers drive their cattle. The breed’s short stature allows it to herd cows without the risk of getting kicked.

The thick coats help protect these dogs from the elements.

The Corgi’s native Wales shares the rainy climate typical in the U.K. and also has cold winters. These dogs have coats designed to keep them warm in such settings.

Even though most Corgis today are house dogs, their coats still help them enjoy outdoor adventures easily. Corgis are also well-suited to apartments.

In addition to keeping these dogs warm, the coat also provides protection when playing in or around water.

Even though herding is what these dogs are most accustomed to for work, they are playful and enjoy the water.

Their coats provide the perfect insulation to help keep them warm in all settings.

These dogs were initially bred to herd cattle, but their set of traits helps make them suitable for all kinds of settings.

Actually, a Cowboy Corgi is a crossbreed between an Australian Cattle dog and the Pembroke Corgi.

The Corgi’s longevity and popularity have helped prove that they are ready for any setting.

Adding a Corgi to your home will help you take full advantage of what the breed offers.

Living With Allergies When You Have a Corgi

Allergies can crop up at any time, even if it seems as though you have eliminated them.

Allergy symptoms can come on suddenly and include sneezing, post-nasal drip, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

These symptoms can be a nuisance and make life difficult if they are not resolved.

You might find it jarring to deal with a sudden allergy onset after you have lived with your dog for years.

One of the most heartbreaking situations a dog owner can run into is having to rehome a dog because of allergies.

As this is a situation you want to avoid at all costs, you’ll be glad to know that there are several options for symptom management.

The fortunate thing to remember is that there are several ways to deal with allergies:

Medications and Remedies for Allergies

There are effective treatment options that owners have at their disposal if they discover that they have dog allergies.

Medications are usually the first line of defense for anyone living with an allergy to a dog. Medications include over-the-counter and prescription options.

Antihistamines, such as Benadryl, can help block the allergic response triggered by animal dander.

Decongestants can help make it easier for people showing allergy symptoms to breathe.

Nasal sprays, including corticosteroids, can help reduce the symptoms of pet-related allergies.

Doctors may prescribe allergy shots for more severe reactions.

Another prescription option is known as a leukotriene modifier and is normally prescribed only as a last-resort treatment.

People who are uncomfortable with OTC and prescription medications may want to consider natural options.

One of the most popular, effective options is a saline or saltwater rinse. Most pharmacies sell lavage kits for saline rinsing, as well as saline sprays.

Many prefer these types of remedies because they are easy and safe for most to use daily.

Cleaning to Get Rid of Dander

Although there will always be dander when pets are present, there are steps that you can take to reduce its impact.

Because Corgis shed dander almost constantly, you’ll need to take steps that will reduce the amount of dander in your home.

These steps are relatively small and will go a long way towards keeping your home as allergen-free as possible.

Cleaning your carpets and curtains regularly will cut down on a lot of the dander, especially if your vacuum has attachments for dealing with pet hair.

Using a steam cleaner on your carpets once or twice a year helps provide a deeper level of cleaning.

A sticky lint roller will help get the hair off surfaces where it sticks a lot, such as couches and chairs.

Keep your space as de-cluttered as possible because dander can stick to any surface.

Reducing the number of knick-knacks that you keep out reduces the amount of dander you’ll need to clean up.

Regular dusting will also help you be able to clean away dander more effectively.

Use a HEPA air filter for your HVAC system. This variety of filter filters out pet hair very effectively.

If you use an air purifier or filter to increase air circulation, make sure these devices also have HEPA filters to reduce the amount of dander released into the air.

Make sure the air ducts in your house receive a regular cleaning.

Cleaning helps remove built-up dander and other debris that can easily spread around the house through the duct system.

This task is one that you should always have completed using an HVAC professional.

Keeping Your Corgi Groomed

Having a proper grooming routine for your Corgi will reduce the amount of dander and loose fur in your home.

Depending on the time of year, you may need to consider frequent bathing and short “haircuts”.

At the very least, you will need to give your Corgi a quick brushing daily to help keep loose fur and dander controlled.

You may need to consider bathing your Corgi every three or four weeks during shedding season.

The shampoo and conditioner you choose should be high-quality, with gentle ingredients. For the best results, buy the same brand for both products.

After you bathe your Corgi, wait until their coat has dried before you brush.

Rake out any loose hairs with your fingers before you brush. When you brush your dog’s coat, use gentle upward strokes.

If you live in a hotter climate or the amount of hair blown during the shedding season is a little too much, you might want to consider a trim for your Corgi.

When you keep the coat short during the warmer months, you will reduce the number of allergens that come in on the dog’s coat. A better-maintained coat will result in fewer allergy issues.

You may also want to consider one of the natural sprays that block dog dander allergens.

These sprays help neutralize the dander, as well as break down the proteins that create allergens. The spray is harmless to dogs and also helps deodorize the coat.

When Rehoming May Be Your Only Option

There may be some situations where your allergies are so severe that finding another home for the dog is your only option.

Although heartbreaking, it is a more humane option than abandoning your dog to outdoor life.

Should you have to take this drastic step, following some guidelines will help make this difficult process more comfortable.

If you acquired your dog from a breeder or rescue, contacting them should be your first step.

Many breeders and most rescues include a clause in their contract that requires them owners who cannot keep their dogs to return the dog to them.

Even when there is no agreement like this in place, a breeder or rescue will usually have resources they can use to see the dog responsibly placed in a new home.

When you must rehome the dog, reach out to rescues for assistance with placement.

Consider using classified ads where you request a rehoming fee and check references for prospective takers.

If you must surrender the dog to a shelter, look for a no-kill shelter.

Final Thoughts

“Is a Corgi hypoallergenic” is a very important question to answer.

Even though Corgis, and, indeed, no dogs are hypoallergenic, people with allergies can live with them.

You need to know how to keep your dog properly groomed, and your house cleaned to eliminate allergens.